The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying

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The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying
Marie Kondo
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            This is great book about decluttering our houses using the simple KonMari Method. Author of this book is Japan’s expert in decluttering and organising consultant, who is the founder of the KonMari Method. “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying" is the book about not only how to declutter house but also how to prevent clutter and keep it organised all the time.

            The book is organised in five chapters. In the first chapter author explained why people constantly fail to keep their houses in order and she is debunking some of the myths connected with tidying. In the second chapter, author states as the first step in cleaning is discarding and gives advice on how properly to discard things. The third chapter deals with tidying and explains in details tidying order, how to fold clothes, how to store clothes, books, papers, sentimental items and other items. The fourth chapter deals with storing offering advice that in everyday life it’s very important that every item has its own place. The last chapter explains how tidying can have positive effect on our lives and how it can change our life, health affecting our mind and our body as well. 

            I love in this book how author combines advice of tidying with her personal experience. Also, author gives examples of other people tidying experience, which can normalise our own experience showing that the others have the same issues. I like author’s idea that it’s not problem in size of storage space that we have, but in having too many things. Also, I like KonMari method of discarding things that is based on joy: if some item doesn’t evoke joy in us, we should discard it and be surround only with items that bring us joy. It’s simple and life-changing at the same time! I enjoyed so much reading about author’s personal experience with tidying, because it’s impressive, inspiring and Marie Kondo is great role model. 

            I love this book so much and I highly recommend it to everybody: it will give you great advice and help you to live in healthier and happier environment. I took notes constantly during reading this book and some of my favorite quotes from this book are:

            “The space in which we live should be for the person we are becoming now, not for the person we were in the past”;

            “Putting your house in order is the magic that creates a vibrant and happy life”;

            “Life becomes far easier once you know that things will still work out even if you are lacking something”;

            “Life truly begins after you have put your house in order”.