The Power of Now

Original Title:
The Power of Now
Eckhart Tolle
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            This is amazing spiritual book and perfect guide for more peaceful life. Author of this book Eckhart Tolle is spiritual teacher, public speaker and author of books “The Power of Now” and “A New Earth”, whose teachings positively influenced lives of many people. As the name says “The Power of Now” is the book about the power of being in present moment, focusing on present instead of dwelling on past or projecting into future. The book is organised into 10 chapters. In the first few chapters authors explains what is enlightenment, consciousness, emotions and thinking and how they affect us. After explaining importance of being present and living in now and all strategies that our mind use to avoid presence, author gives description of practices for being more in present moment, and for achieving better relationships with others, finding peace, and accepting present moment whatever it brings. 

             I think that this book has great transformative power in age when we are so accustomed to “mind talk” in degree that it seems like natural state leading us to live in delusions such as past events and uncertain future while forgetting and missing the beauty of present moment. It can teach us how not to wait for some imagined future for our fulfilment but to live fulfil live now, in this moment. Not only that living in present will bring us fulfilment, but it will live us joy, peace, positive energy and will connect us with our deepest Being. This is not type of book to read once and left on shelf, this is more than book, guide, teacher to whose words of wisdom we should often return. 

            I recommend “The Power of Now” to everybody who feels “stacked in the head” and who feels that life is passing without noticing it. But do not only read it, but live it, practice steps described for being in present moment and it will give you back by transforming your life. 

            My favourite notes from this book are:

            “Say “Yes” to life – and see how life suddenly starts working for you rather than against you”;

            “Even when the sky is heavily overcast, the sun hasn’t disappeared. It’s still there on the other side of the clouds”.